10 things you should be grateful of.
🙏🏻 Having a Home
Whether you live in an apartment, a mansion, or a tent, having a place to call home is something to be thankful for.
🙏🏻 An Ability to Read
If you’re reading this right now, you have a lot to be thankful for.
🙏🏻 Breathing Fresh Air
Being able to step outside to breathe in fresh air is a good reminder how many little things we should be thankful for.
🙏🏻 A Bed to Sleep
A bed is one of those things that’s easy to take for granted, until you don’t have one.
🙏🏻 Laughter
Without laughter, the world would be a sad place.
🙏🏻 Safety and Security
Being able to wake up without immense fear frees us up to really live life.
🙏🏻 Cars
Without cars, it would take a lot longer to get our activities done.
🙏🏻 Sunshine
The sun’s warmth can brighten any day.
🙏🏻 Time
Although we often don’t think there’s enough of it, time is something we shouldn’t take for granted.
🙏🏻 Clean Water
Many people on earth lack access to clean water.
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